Can CBGA/CBDA Prevent Covid?
There is no more important health news since the beginning of the Covid Pandemic than the new research out of the Oregon State University, led by Dr. Richard van Breemen. This groundbreaking study concludes specific compounds in Hemp (Cannabis sativa L., Cannabaceae) can prevent human infection from the virus that causes Covid-19. On Monday, Jan 10th, 2022, a report on the research, “Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants,” was published online by the Journal of Natural Products¹.
van Breemen’s study concluded that specific cannabinoid compounds found in hemp – CBGA (cannabigerolic acid) and CBGA (cannabidiolic acid) – bind to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which effectively prevents the spike protein from binding with angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptors. The spike protein works by “hooking” onto the ACE 2 receptors organs linings, including lung linings, which is how the virus infects people. With CBGA/CBDA binding to the virus spike, the virus cannot enter the cell by binding as it can never “hook” to the cell.
Just as importantly, the research indicated the hemp compounds were equally effective against variants of SARS-CoV-2, including variant B.1.1.7, which was first detected in the United Kingdom, and variant B.1.351, first seen in South Africa.
“These variants are well known for evading antibodies against early lineage SARS-CoV-2, which is obviously concerning given that current vaccination strategies rely on the early lineage spike protein as an antigen,” said van Breemen. “Our data show CBDA and CBGA are effective against the two variants we looked at, and we hope that trend will extend to other existing and future variants.”
“That means cell entry inhibitors, like the acids from hemp, could be used to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and also to shorten infections by preventing virus particles from infecting human cells,” said Richard Van Breemen, a researcher with Oregon State’s Global Hemp Innovation Center, College of Pharmacy and Linus Pauling Institute in the Oregon State University release.
CBGA and CBDA are two of 115+ cannabinoid compounds found in the Hemp plant. They are not as well-known as CBD, or its even more famous cousin, THC. The “A” in CBGA and CBDA stands for acid. CBDA and CBGA are precursors to CBG and CBD. In fact, CBGA is the precursor to all cannabinoids in the hemp plant and is sometimes referred to as the Mother of all Cannabinoids².
The excellent news for Chiropractors is that CBGA/CBDA are not controlled substances like THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. The report mentioned that both CBDA/CBGA have a good safety profile in humans, and they have the potential to prevent and treat infection by SARS-CoV-2.
This news offers hope to people across the globe who have had their lives dramatically changed by the Covid virus. This is also great news to Chiropractors and other health providers who have long worked to bring healthy, natural products to their patients. While Stirling is sure some companies are working on patents on the claims outlined in the study, we are also confident that there will be quality CBGA/CBGA products in the market.
I have had many conversations with Hemp farmers, extractors, and fellow producers of cannabinoids products about the implications of this study as it specifically calls out Industrial Hemp – Cannabis sativa L., Cannabaceae. The Industrial Hemp plant was legalized for production under the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill, with one of the important stipulations being that it must contain less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC by weight. THC is the compound in Cannabis associated with getting people “high.” By keeping the > 0.3% ruling, most products from CBD companies will not get people high. The >0.3% ruling also is used to protect individual states’ legalization of Marijuana, of which many have become reliant on the tax income from the legalization.
Stirling Professional predicts significant changes to the current CBD/Cannabinoid industry with great news.
- There will be a race to produce potent CBGA/CBDA compounds – Stirling was unable to find a specific CBGA/CBDA product in the market after a detailed review of the major CBD companies conducted 1/13/22. When available, if you consider incorporating CBGA/CBDA into your practice, the most important consideration is ensuring that the company you are buying from is reputable and provides 3rd party testing with all its products. Stirling Professional CBD predicts that products could be on the market by as soon as a couple of weeks.
- Minor Cannabinoids will gain more traction – CBD, THC, and now CBGA and CBDA are the most known cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. Still, there is a lot of research on other cannabinoids which will completely revolutionize the traditional “CBD” market. CBC and CBG are two cannabinoids getting a lot of research dollars, and Stirling expects more positive news about the health benefits of these and other cannabinoids.
- The FDA and FTC will come down on companies & providers making Health Claims – The researchers and companies paying for the research expect to make their money back. They are most likely filing patents protecting their right to make the medical claims they researched. Please be careful not to make any medical claim or buy products from companies that claim any cannabinoid can prevent or cure any disease. The FTC and FDA have imposed fines of over $100k against companies making claims that CBD products can cure or prevent diseases – and the penalties have been exceptionally high against companies that try to target “Vulnerable Targets” – such as the chronically ill, elderly, and life-threatening diseases. Here are a few good examples: FTC Fines
In summary, the study from Oregon State University is incredibly promising. The research has been picked up in Forbes, WSJ, Fox News, and many others. In the case of Forbes and WSJ, the article referring to the study was the #1 read story on that platform.
Stirling Professional believes that this research is the tip of the iceberg. Undoubtedly, future research will continue to show cannabinoid compounds can help resolve many of the issues facing this country’s health care system. This nation has been facing a health crisis for the last couple of decades. With the leadership of the Chiropractic community, we might see the light at the end of the tunnel – that is, if the government allows us to.
¹Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants
Richard B. van Breemen, Ruth N. Muchiri, Timothy A. Bates, Jules B. Weinstein, Hans C. Leier, Scotland Farley, and Fikadu G. Tafesse
Journal of Natural Products Article ASAP
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.1c00946
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